The Data Science, Economics, and Public Policy Wiki

This page is meant to act as an aggregator and organizer of all online content related to economics, economic research, data science, public policy, and other things data - hence the “wiki”. “All” is a subjective term and clearly not all-encompassing, but I will keep adding to this page as I come across (or receive from others) helpful resources on research, grad school, policy careers, or data science. This includes topics such as applying to grad school, being in grad school, conducting research, common programming languages (Stata, R, Python), public data science and economics textbooks, and news and discussion. If you are aware of any websites, files, or other such links that may be useful to someone, please feel free to send them my way! Contact info can be found at the bottom of the page.

A collection of advice I come across that doesn’t fit into any of the below categories. Resources and writings on how to live a fulfilling and meaningful life, succeed in your goals, find out your passions, and other such topics.

Resources focused on life after undergrad/grad school. Job opening resources, comparisons of career paths, and advice for succeeding in the real world.

Advice from professors, economists, and others who have assembled their own aggregation of links and resources. Also includes rankings lists, information about choosing schools, and advice for how to be a strong applicant (before even applying).

How to study for the GRE, free study tools and guides, advice for anything else GRE-related.

Links to helpful commentary regarding all things grad school - conducting research, managing work load as a student, writing papers and creating presentations, and all the other many topics that relate to being an econ grad student.

Advice and resources for research assistant (pre-doc) positions - getting them, getting the most out of them.

Blogs and webpages of various economists/economist-adjacent writers, as well as news and news aggregators for all econ-related content. Links to research papers as well.

Data sets and data sources that have been made public and available for anyone to use. Note that usage of some data requires proper attribution!

Helpful advice and resources regarding all things data science - data analysis, data visualization, statistics/mathematics topics, machine learning, and related areas (data engineering, etc.). Textbooks/courses linked below.

Guides, textbooks, and public courses on programming R, Stata, Python and other languages, as well as advice on data analysis, data visualization, econometric applications, and more.

Textbook and university courses (at both the undergrad and grad level) that have been made public, free, and available to anyone. Focused on topics within economics - econometrics, development, macro, micro, labor, public, etc.

Helpful advice and resources regarding all things policy careers - policy fellowships, policy career advice and Q&As, grad school programs, and related areas (policy research, etc.).